Keywords = Climate Change
Studying the impact of climate change on hydroelectric energy production (Case study: Karun 4 Dam)

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 29 January 2025


Ferdous Karimi Alkoohi; Hosein Ghorbanizadeh Kharrazi; Seyyed Mahmood Jazayeri Moghaddas; Mohsen Solimani babarsad; Saeb Khoshnavaz Koumleh

Application of a New Approach in Optimizing the Operation of the Multi-Objective Reservoir

Volume 6, Issue 3, September 2020, Pages 1-20


Alireza Donyaii; Amirpouya Sarraf; Hassan Ahmadi

Urmia Lake desiccation and the signs of local climate changes

Volume 5, Issue 2, August 2019, Pages 1-17


Alireza Dariane; Mahboobeh Ghasemi; Farzaneh Karami; Shadi Hatami

Determining the Uncertainty of Evaporation from Reservoir by Considering the Climate Change Conditions (Case Study: Dez Dam Reservoir)

Volume 5, Issue 2, August 2019, Pages 90-106


Ali Gorjizade; Heidar Zarei; AliMohammad Akhoond-Ali; Hesam Seyed Kaboli