Debris upstream of the bridge pier and through the flow variations, changes scour hole and river morphology. Dune forms downstream of the pier as a result of sediment movement in the pier scour phenomenon. The present study investigates the dune characteristics and geometrical parameters in experimental models. Experimental models are categorized into four cases including the pier, pier with buried debris, pier with free debris, and pier with free debris which was protected by bed sill at four various distances from the pier downstream face. It was concluded that debris submergence, densimetric particle Froude number, flow intensity, and bed sill affect dune geometrical parameters such as dune height (hd), dune crest position (xd), and dune length (ld). Results show dune height increases with debris accumulation up to almost 150% and its crest distance from the pier reduces up to approximately 100%. Also, in higher Fd, the dune height and its crest distance reduce with bed sill up to 50%, and in lower Fd, hd, and xd increase by up to 80% by using bed sill. Based on these effective parameters, three separate equations were proposed for hd, xd, and ld in pier scour with debris accumulation protected by bed sill.
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Mahdian Khalili, A. , , Akbari Dadamahalleh, P. , and Hamidi, M. . "Experimental evaluation of dune formation downstream of pier scour hole with upstream debris accumulation", Journal of Hydraulic Structures, 10, 1, 2024, 13-28. doi: 10.22055/jhs.2024.45772.1281
Mahdian Khalili, A., Akbari Dadamahalleh, P., Hamidi, M. (2024). 'Experimental evaluation of dune formation downstream of pier scour hole with upstream debris accumulation', Journal of Hydraulic Structures, 10(1), pp. 13-28. doi: 10.22055/jhs.2024.45772.1281
A. Mahdian Khalili , P. Akbari Dadamahalleh and M. Hamidi, "Experimental evaluation of dune formation downstream of pier scour hole with upstream debris accumulation," Journal of Hydraulic Structures, 10 1 (2024): 13-28, doi: 10.22055/jhs.2024.45772.1281
Mahdian Khalili, A., Akbari Dadamahalleh, P., Hamidi, M. Experimental evaluation of dune formation downstream of pier scour hole with upstream debris accumulation. Journal of Hydraulic Structures, 2024; 10(1): 13-28. doi: 10.22055/jhs.2024.45772.1281