Author = Solimani Babarsad, Mohsen
Studying the impact of climate change on hydroelectric energy production (Case study: Karun 4 Dam)

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 29 January 2025


Ferdous Karimi Alkoohi; Hosein Ghorbanizadeh Kharrazi; Seyyed Mahmood Jazayeri Moghaddas; Mohsen Solimani babarsad; Saeb Khoshnavaz Koumleh

Simulation of Ogee Spillway by FLOW3D Software (Case Study: Shahid Abbaspour Dam)

Volume 8, Issue 3, October 2022, Pages 88-107


Mohammad ŮŽAmin Gandomi; Mohsen Solimani Babarsad; Mohammad Hossein Pourmohammadi; Hosein Ghorbanizadeh Kharrazi; Ehsan Derikvand